Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thank You

Today I want to dedicate my post to my Mum and Dad and my In-laws. They have been an amazing support to my husband and I over the last 3 months since I gave birth to my son Aleksandar. They made sure we where well feed, had a tidy house, clean clothes and most importantly where there for emotional support when we needed I just wanted to say THANK YOU...xo xo

Image via here

Oh.. and its earth hour tonight at 7.30pm, don't forget to turn out your lights.


  1. How lovely for you that you have such a wonderful support network which is so very much appreciated when you have a new baby. Hope all is going well with your gorgeous little Aleksandar. Thanks for the reminder about Earth Hour - I'd completely forgotten. Have a wonderful weekend! x

  2. What a lovely post Louise. You are indeed so very lucky to have such wonderful families, but they are just as lucky to have such a sweet and thoughtful YOU! Thanks for the reminder about Earth Hour. Hope you and you lovely family have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  3. You are so lucky to have such wonderful parents (I am lucky as well!). Such a lovely thought and such a pretty photo!

  4. Yes how lucky are we!!! Parents are the best, I hope I'll be as great to my kids as mine are to me and Kate.
    I hope little Alek is ok!!!

  5. That's so sweet a very lucky my dear to have such amazing support XX
